Welcome beautiful ones, I’m so glad you’re here!
The Goddess Divine Speaks Podcast explores a woman’s journey through ascension and the real-time walking out of the mandate from Jesus to “Know Thyself”.
First and foremost, it’s a live, interactive reflection of my own spiritual journey… which began in Christianity, yet has explored many other religions, sacred texts, prophetic writings, and channeled material from various streams of knowledge… including my expanding awareness around my (our) multidimensional nature.
Second, it’s portal to and veneration of the Divine Feminine. All major religions for the past several thousand years have been largely devoid of accounts of women in ministry and service to God; women possessing healing abilities, extrasensory perceptions and the magical nature of the womb. Worship of the divine feminine was widely known, understood and practiced by Hebrews and other cultures in Biblical times. I am here to lend my voice in service to the legacy of the divine feminine, share what I’ve learned, and bring forth my own downloads from my communion with God.
The Goddess Divine Speaks is a movement for sovereignty, and for Unity between the masculine and feminine aspects of humanity… led by Divine Feminine Wisdom and Revelation. I start with my movement… my contribution to the collective understanding and belief of the way it is. With every passing day, I become more and more aware of how desperate our world is to feel loved, to be loved well and to heal from generations of trauma under patriarchy. This is not a statement trashing “men”. But we must speak plainly and truthfully about the disparities of justice that have and still exist on our planet. Healing demands it of us. Each one of us, regardless of gender, have inner feminine and masculine energies… and when you become intentional about building a relationship with the part of yourself we’ve all been collectively persecuting for 2,000+ years… well things start to get interesting.
Divine Feminine Wisdom is the wisdom of the Earth and of the Heavens, of how to be in balance with nature, each other, ourselves and our families of light. It’s about feminine knowing; intuition, psychic awareness, omniscience, telepathy, etc. It’s the indigenous wisdoms; the paths of compassion, water, flow and yin that are spoken of in many cosmologies. It’s the remembrance of our direct connection to God within and the latent divine genome within us… it’s the reconnection to the realms of spirits guides, angels and Ascended Masters for spiritual guidance… and it’s returning to the frequencies of abundance, compassion and honor within ourselves, one woman at a time, one man at a time, one starseed at a time, one planet at a time.
I bring my very intimate and personal journey with God – through patriarchal lineages, into to the mystical, and deeper yet into the divine feminine Christ consciousness teachings that, in this age are speaking to all who are listening. If this resonates with you, then you’ve found a home… a place to explore what it means to be a divine soul having a human experience, and what it means to be a human experiencing its divinity. We are both. Welcome to my passion.
With Love and Every Blessing,