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Mother Mary Speaks.

The Christmas Story in a New  Light

by Jen Street

In America and perhaps even the world over, Christmas isn’t Christmas without the story of the birth of Jesus… of Mary in the manger, surrounded by animals, giving birth to the King of Kings, the Son of God. Jesus is heralded as “the reason for the season”, and I have no quarrel with that. But the story we’ve been told of his mother is grossly incomplete. And Mother Mary herself is showing up in a big way, in our time, to make herself known plainly.
From Christian pulpits, Mother Mary is spoken of as a timid, frightened, uneducated, deeply submissive girl, privileged to be chosen by God to birth the savior of the world, and is barely spoken of save this time of year, or in the casual sermon to praise her virginity, her contrite nature, and her faithfulness to believe the voice of the Holy Spirit… “Let it be unto me according to Your Will”. In Catholicism, Mary is exalted to the place of the Divine, right alongside Jesus. But let it be said, NEITHER reveal the whole truth.
Imagine for a moment, in our age today, that the achievements and life stories of roughly half the population went unrecognized. Women, who have risen to great heights of achievement in every facet of life, like Brené Brown, Oprah, Beyoncé, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Jane Goodall, Lady Gaga, the list is endless… imagine them doing what they do… but history not recording it, or greatly diminishing these works. No bios, no backstories, no in-depth interviews, no behind the scenes. How would that make you feel? How would future generations view and interpret our sliver of history? What would be said of me and you? Would there not be an ache of incompleteness about it all? This is what we face when examining the Christian scriptures, truly understanding the exegesis process, and every interpretation thereof from then until now. It warrants deep consideration for the sake of transparency in realm of theological study.
The disparity I refer to is the selective editing or retelling of the stories of women in the Bible. Many trust and take it on faith that those gospels left out of the canonization process were done so in good faith by those closest to Jesus and not the political and religious leaders of that day due to some specific agenda. We are told the Bible is infallible and questioning it is a sin, yet do you ever hear such words from Jesus? How many times does Jesus say “for those who have eyes to see and ears to hear”… he trusted in the power of truth to penetrate all those ready to receive it without being in fear of those who aren’t? Would we today ever give the power over spiritual matters to those in political office?
It is by faith that we trust in God, Jesus, Spirit, Source. It is easier to flow with mainstream Christian talking points around other gospels (which, if you really look into this, it’s the women’s version of the stories left out) than it is to question, because to question means to entertain the possibility that things are not as they have been told, entirely. Such questioning can lead to a crisis of faith… but true faith is always growing and changing and upleveling as we are spiritually! I want to say this clearly. Loving God, loving Jesus, and loving any other spiritual figure is NOT synonymous with correct theology. We accept on faith that these writings were inspired by the Holy Spirit; yet others gospels we say are not, gospels written by Jesus’ inner circle. And to set the record straight, his inner, INNER circle was his mother and Mary Magdalene. Christians have faith that God is able and willing to speak through people, even animals… yet rarely apply that faith to God speaking today directly to people who are living, to the same degree. Somehow we disqualify others and ourselves from this same connection and knowing from God.
Many believe that Mary had to be divine herself to give birth to a divine being; and yet many great Avatars in history have been deified and worshipped as divine because of their great works and miraculous power. But Mother Mary isn’t asking for you to worship her, neither is Jesus; they came here to seed a revolution that WE are a part of fulfilling today… not to be put upon a pedestal, worshiped as something above humanity. Jesus never said worship me… he said FOLLOW ME…. BE as I AM! I believe the state of Jesus’ humanity AND divinity is deeply misunderstood by the church most of all. How can we be like him if we are unwilling or disqualified from our own divine nature?
Why talk about this? Why bring this up? Because for me, when I began to learn more about not only Mother Mary but Mary Magdalene and other women of the Bible, everything changed. How indoctrinated are we collectively to doubt and dismiss the legitimacy of the voices of women throughout history?? Are we not to have as much faith in the words of Mary Magdalene in her gospel, the Gospel of Mary as we do the words of Peter or Paul in theirs? Are we to discount James’ account of the life of Mother Mary as directed from her because it’s not in the Bible? This repression of women’s voices is not a Christian phenomenon. Most spiritual lineages in the past diminished the voices of women because it was their conditioning to do so. As a society, we are just now learning how important inclusivity is. Black, indigenous, Asian, Latino children now growing up, seeing faces like their own in movies, in media, in the stories of our time. Because without those examples, the story they receive is one of exclusion and inferiority; and it’s an insidious lie that locks generations into poverty, self hatred and hopelessness.

How much more is this true for women and spirituality??! When men of Christian faith stand up and preach a doctrine and a God devoid of feminine truth – and call it Ultimate Truth – we end up with whole generations of systematic misogyny bred into ALL of us on every side of the equation. Every woman, every human being who LOVES God, who LOVES Jesus should be morally outraged that what HE demonstrated in his own ministry, in relationship to the empowerment of women, was NOT honored in the text bearing his name. This realization should trigger waves of righteous anger and indignation within ANYONE claiming to stand for Truth. Writing women out of their power and story ISN’T Godly, it’s misogyny. PERIOD. And I can’t think of a better time of year to bring awareness and honor back to what has been dishonored.
For those who have eyes to see and ears to hear, Divine Feminine Archetypes are rising again to speak plainly about their truths either changed or left unspoken. They are speaking through new discoveries of ancient texts, and through modern prophetic voices spanning many spiritual lineages. To discard them because they aren’t in your box is a lazy faith that leaves the discovery of new Divine mysteries as someone else’s responsibility. Beyond the knowledge of modern religion and masculine logic lies the repressed and vilified inner feminine knowing within us all, predominant in women, which recognizes truth as a frequency that the body receives and instantly accepts, beyond all understanding. WE are wired for Truth… and when we awaken to our own inner feminine intelligence we tap into the Source of ALL Wisdom. And it is here where Mother Mary awaits us.
In a modern sacred codex called The Sophia Code, I saw the real Mother of God.
“Mother Mary Speaks:
I AM THE DIVINE Feminine Ascended Master teacher known as Mother Mary… I am honored for my Teachings of The Rose for walking the spiritual path to open your Sacred Heart… I am called upon as the Mother of Mothers… I have lived many lifetimes in loving support of humanity’s evolution. In my most recent and final lifetime on Earth, I came as a highly advanced soul incarnating as a Hebrew woman, named Mary, into a spiritual community called the Essenes.
I was born into an important messianic prophecy. Before I was even conceived, the ancient texts declared me as a mother of salvation for humanity. My birth and the birth of my son, Jesus, were foretold by the prophets of my people hundreds of years prior to our arrival. (Isa 7:14)
Many angelic signs and messages were sent to my mother, Anna, during her pregnancy with me. These messages announced the importance of both my destiny and that I receive extensive training for fulfilling my divine life purpose. With my birth, I stepped into an age of great suffering that was praying for courageous leaders to fulfill the prophesies of the past and create a sovereign future for generations to come.
“… I was born with clear memories of my spiritual training from other lifetimes that prepared me to fulfill this destiny… I devoted myself (from an early age) to the spiritual education of my Essene community. The initiations I received eventually revealed that I was a reincarnated oracular High Priestess of Isis-Hathor, with the extraordinary potential to immaculately conceive and birth a high frequency being through my body. Immaculate conception was an ancient oracular practice of genetic soul-to-soul light weaving that was highly revered in Egypt during Hathor’s golden age.
… your generation is also born into a prophecy of similar proportion. For several hundred years… increasing prophesies… foretelling the ‘ancient ones’ returning in the form of little children at the dawning of this next golden age…. for these ancient ones… their greatest initiation would be opening humanity’s heart to remember its divine origin…. You are here to immaculately birth the return and reconciliation of the Divine Feminine Christ with the Divine Masculine Christ energies for the heart of humanity.
“At this time, your world is filled with the light of many stars walking upon the Earth. You are here to shine together as an invincible light that transforms all darkness, just as the prophesies said you would. This age is for the One Body of Sophia Christ to be revealed by each of you, working together as one, seamlessly supporting one another with your extraordinary talents and unique gifts. … As children of prophecy, we have come from the One Source to walk as the light of Sophia within and for the one body of Christ in form.”
– from pgs. 163 – 165 of The Sophia Code
In another text, The Mystery Tradition of Miraculous Conception; Mary and the Lineage of Virgin Births by Marguerite Mary Rigoglioso, Ph.D., reveals Mary, not as a bystander to her own pregnancy, but a specialized priestess who deliberately planned and carried out the miraculous conception of her son, that genetic soul-to-soul light weaving mentioned above. In Rigoglioso’s study of ancient texts, one of which is the little known writing called the Infancy Gospel of James (AKA the Protevangelium of James), she brings to light James’ account of Mary’s upbringing and Essene priestess lineage where she trained from the age of 3 or 4 years old to fulfill her destiny.
This author has written two previous books which uncover extensive evidence that this form of miraculous conception did occur in the ancient world in many different cultures. Mary not only trained from an early age to miraculously birth Jesus, but she herself was divinely conceived by her mother Anna, just as John the Baptist was divinely conceived from Elizabeth, believed to be Anna’s sister. Interesting enough, the entire concept of chastity or virginity has been placed on women based on the example of Mary…  virginity was actually an aspect of the miraculous birthing process, not something to be imposed on all women, as the church teaches even today.
She is the empowered feminine orchestrator of these miraculous events – yes, indeed; through the power of the Holy Spirit, absolutely… but what we miss from the blank pages of her real story in our Christian reflections on “the way things are” is that this same power lives in us ALL, which is EXACTLY what Jesus preached again, and again and again… a power I might add, the modern church is sorely lacking in demonstration. Would it surprise you to know that Mary is mentioned more often in the Islamic Qur’an than in the New Testament? I would add embarrassing to that statement. And while the western church rejected the Apocrypha book – the Infancy Gospel of James – the Byzantine East embraced it, including it in their masses and ceremonies. Even the Roman Catholic Church drew on its stories to establish various holy days that honor events in Mary’s life, such as the Immaculate Conception on December 8 (which marks her conception by Anna), Mary’s birth on September 8, her Presentation in the Temple on November 21, and the “visitation” between Mary and Elizabeth on May 31. These stories also appear in some of the oldest surviving Christian art, including the works of Leonardo da Vinci.

Mother Mary is revered and worshiped all across the globe in seemingly unconnected spiritual lineages. She defies both Christian and Catholic depictions of her, showing up powerfully as a divine feminine force to be called upon in prayer, showing up physically with signs and wonders to demonstrate her presence, love and support of humanity. But the Mary I met in The Sophia Code, who is indeed a mother, sister, mentor, friend, protector and initiator to me now, was someone I never expected to see. A Divine Feminine Ascended Master whose Legacy of Love was so big, so all-inclusive, so surpassing of any one spiritual lineage, that she is honored and known as The Mother of All Mothers.
What does this mean for women and men in the sphere of everyday life and spiritual growth? Well, to me it means that the way we’ve been taught to pray to and interact with Jesusthat’s available through Mother Mary. Both exist in the higher planes and are fully dedicated to the spiritual evolution of humanity. With Mother Mary, it’s full steam ahead, straight into the center of all the fear we have around the power of our own hearts, which is our direct connection to Source and the place of our own ability to birth Divine Will and miracles into this world. Mary teaches us that our hearts are designed to look evil in the eye and blaze as the Sons and Daughters of God, disarming it of its terror and illusionary power over our lives.
I am grieved at our history that has repressed and demonized the divine feminine within humanity for ages. Furthermore, I am grieved that so many Christians who earnestly love Jesus, unknowingly limit their own access to the real support, empowerment and love of so many other divine feminine ( and divine masculine) Christed beings, whose purpose and desire is to serve them. Purging that story from my emotions and body has been and is no small feat. But we’ve all played our parts in this story, on every side. And while there’s a real place and need to work out that internal grief, there is no judgment around it. It is simply our chosen path collectively and we must own it to move forward. The focus should be on how do we reconcile with our own hearts? How do we face and embrace the inner divine feminine waiting to be discovered? This is the path of healing for humanity. It will end our wars and poverty and disparity across the globe, in truth, it’s already begun. Mother Mary was and is a Divine Feminine Christed being, and the seeds she and her son Jesus planted, along with Mary Magdalene and many, many others are sprouting today within us; eager for the emergence of the Daughters and Sons of God to rise up in their own Christed nature to birth divine miracles and heal a broken world.

With Every Love and Blessing,

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