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Men & The Goddess Divine.

Unlocking Your Full Potential

by Jen Street

Why do men need understanding of goddess archetypes? Why do men need to work with the divine feminine, and not just women? Because what is unfolding today in human consciousness is new. To better understand ourselves and who we are becoming, we must understand how consciousness works and how we are meant to discover ourselves as the master of it rather than remaining a victim to the suffering of our own minds. ALL who desire to be powerful, present, fully alive and awake… living a life of purpose to leave a legacy… these are those to whom I am speaking. The Goddess Divine IS for you. The Goddess Divine is about understanding consciousness through the lens of feminine wisdom.

The human psyche is made up of many different parts. Before we come into flesh, we sense and know the field of information where ALL Mind is connected, the space where all consciousness is a web of interconnectedness… from the smallest microbe to the Mind of Christ or Source. When we are born, we are ONE with the consciousness of our mothers… and through the first seven years, we begin the process of individuation… learning to recognize and develop our “separateness”, our individuality. It is during these first three seven-year periods of development when our own understanding of reality is created; who we are, how life works and our place in it, based on our DNA or epigenetics, based on our environment and society’s present conditioning.

Men are in desperate need of working with the divine feminine because their own inner feminine is repressed. It is our own (collectively) repressed emotions that creates the experience of separation in our world; separation between men and women, light and dark, divinity and humanity. In our first 21 years of life, our mind is tasked with making sense of our environment for survival. When humanity collectively agrees to repress half of its nature (this is happening for all of us, not just men or women), we fuel the experience of separation in our consciousness and that bleeds out into our world. The separation of the inner masculine and inner feminine is the separation between the mind and the body; each having their own intelligence.

Because our understanding of our own reality (and thus our collective reality) was written mostly by our unconscious feminine mind, during our most vulnerable part of life…. and it is there (the unconscious) we must go back to, to heal the splits that occurred in our personalities, to untangle the toxic belief systems we created out of experiences and inherited traumas, so that we may rewrite our own consciousness with the truth of who we are and what’s possible for us. Humanity is mostly operating with only half of its innate intelligence, because we’ve been conditioned for thousands of years of patriarchy to work mostly with the mind and to ignore our body’s knowing, which happens in partnership with our emotions.

Most of our version of reality is created through our unconscious or subconscious mind. This area is referred to as the feminine aspect of consciousness; linked to the archetypes of the moon, the goddess Inanna, the archetype of the crone, the underworld, darkness, feelings, symbols, pictures, colors, intuition, physical sensations… the shadow aspect of our nature. This darkness is deeply misunderstood and demonized… our shadow nature is an imprint upon our existence, just as any state of being we would call holy. Within each shadow is a gift for us to unlock, a gift unique to us, that holds the key to our greatness. We can only know these gifts as our reality by navigating through our shadows.

It is through the work of The Gene Keys that this shadow wisdom is being brought forward. You can read about it here. The divine feminine wisdom that is arriving today on the earth, through many different vehicles and cosmologies, is all pointing us to the same reality… the sovereign nature of humanity. As a Soul, made in the image and likeness of God, the way to know ourselves as connected to God/Source but separate, is to explore our own free will… and to know our own shadows. It is our path to choosing the Will of God over our own. The very purpose of our existence is to explore our own consciousness, through the worlds of form, to discover our own unlimited potential to create as God creates.

Our shadow aspect of self is an integral part of our human journey. It is not bad or evil; although evil as a force does exist in this world… it is simply a manifestation of the collective repression of consciousness. We have demonized our shadow nature, repressed it, ignored it, cut it off from ourselves… but it is only through love and acceptance of it that we INTEGRATE it back into ourself, to become whole again. ALL SUFFERING (read more about suffering here) comes from a divided Self (a revelation from The Sophia Code). It is through the vehicle of suffering that we eventually choose to align with Divine Will. Within the seed of humanity is the shadow, the gift and the divine nature; all are quantumly entangled with each other. There is no separation. It is frequency that determines the expression (shadow, gift or divine nature). Divine feminine wisdom carries us on swift wings to a higher view of reality, where our dualistic nature is seen for what it is, a playground for exploring the world of form, and our ability to create in it.

The axiom “life is but a dream” has merit. Sayings like “energy is all there is” and “consciousness is all there is”… these all point to a higher understanding of reality. We are taught that spirit and matter are separate; but if God is Light and Love, then science shows us clearly that within every electron exists Light and Darkness; which is the Light of creation, and the primordial empty womb-space of Mother God, which contains all quantum possibilities for us to create with. The Light is form; the Darkness is the empty space or energy of creation. The Sophia Code and The Gene Keys say that all form is holographic in nature; meaning, it’s all a projection of our consciousness. It is our Holy Spirit manifesting us into form, according to the instruction of our free will.

This does not diminish our experiences of form, of suffering, of joy, of life… but realizing that 1) all of form is more invisible (or spirit) than we think;  2) that we have full permission to Know Ourselves and explore the full range of our free will; and  3) that if everything is created by consciousness, we are then empowered – through awareness and intention – to break rank with everything within us that is helping to create our hellish experiences of reality, and begin to create our own heaven on earth reality. Could we really be that powerful? Is that not what Jesus demonstrated, embodying the divine nature within reality? Did he not instruct us to be like him?

“God” has not created sin, hell, the devil, the need for salvation… it is humanity, through our collective agreement in the belief that we are separate from God and that somehow Divinity has failed us that creates these. Humanity projects its own wounding, its own shadow onto God, whatever you call Source. And it is through our awareness of this that shatters the illusion and brings us home to love, to belonging, to our own divine empowerment, through alignment with Divine Will, in service to Love. We develop Ourselves to reflect those Masters who have come before us, like Jesus. It is our collective over-identification with our mind, our human intellect, which is the very vehicle of our human will… and the suppression of our “other than conscious” knowing: our heart intelligence, our intuition, our emotions, and our physical sensations… that has created imbalance within ourselves, expressed in our society.

Men and those who want to express themselves in primarily their masculine energy… it’s impossible for you to lead others in the most healthy way unless you are fully connected to your whole self… your feminine nature, your emotions, your shadows, your emotions. There’s no perfection here, only the commitment to growing awareness of Self. Why did Jesus commission us to “Know Thyself”? Religion has us so convinced that our Self is at war with God, is deceitful in nature, that it can’t be trusted. What if the truth is, through surrender of the Self unto Divine Will and Divine Love… we receive the Divine Empowerment of Self? When you honor your own wounds, your own suffering, your own emotions… you are better able to honor those aspects in others, which makes you a better leader. Emotional intelligence isn’t using emotions to manipulate others, it’s coming clean with yourself about yourself, and allowing that humility to change how you lead.

Most of humanity sees the world through the eyes of suffering. We expect life to be hard, for success to come at great cost, we expect to have to compete with others to be seen, we expect failure to be shameful, so we hide it. We mask it. We create versions of ourselves for others to see, we create inauthenticity. We believe life is pitted against us, and that others are too. We forget our ability to see, hear and know, to intuit our own path; giving our power to leaders and institutions for fear of how we will steward it. Whatever worldview we believe in; we attract and create the experiences that reinforce those beliefs, whether they are helpful or not. But when you believe life is FOR you, when it’s magical, perfectly aligned for your success, when everything that comes to you is for your highest and best good… now this worldview creates a whole other matrix of experiences, when you fully unplug from the previous.

Shifting your consciousness in this way is not easy, it is not fast, it is not for the faint of heart. But it IS possible and at some point it becomes your permanent worldview. And then everything changes. You see, while life IS rigged for our success, magnetism is impartial… it is simply guided by consciousness. When you understand that you are creating your own life experiences through your beliefs, through your unconscious patterning… when you understand that although your Soul chose to experience suffering for its own growth – BUT – that now is a new time and a new energy on the plantet that is empowering us to learn from goodness, from benevolence, from grace, from love and compassion and overwhelming prosperity… well then, you could say the game has literally changed, it’s stacked in our favor… we can’t fail unless we choose to.

If these concepts are new to you, and/or you’d like to explore them more, reach out… and keep reading this publication. Because what you think is a movement to eradicate masculinity is really a movement for unity consciousness… bringing balance within of the inner masculine and feminine aspects of intelligence to operate at a higher creative capacity than ever before. What you think is a movement away from God and toward humanism is a rejection of religious dogma and a revelation that the empowerment of the human IS the reflection of divinity, on earth. It’s the realization of the dream of Jesus’ life and what he came to demonstrate. It’s the fulfillment of prophecy.

Any opposition you feel is necessary toward another outside of you is illusion that creates suffering. Yes there is evil and dark agendas in this world, there are deeds that perpetuate suffering… but when you understand that those who do so are so completely engulfed in the belief that they are unlovable and irredeemable… it changes your whole perspective. Punishment can never reconcile such a state of being; only radical love, acceptance and compassion. And only through your own self-forgiveness, self-love and self-compassion for these same aspects within yourself – the parts of you that control you, punish you, that you believe to be evil or irredeemable – only then can you even begin to see others the way God does. God holds all opposites within Himself/Herself without contradiction. To have the mind of Christ IS to see beyond duality and hold a resonance of divine love. True faith is belief from within the unified Self; this is the faith, as small as a mustard seed, that causes mountains to be tossed into the sea. This is who we were created to be.

With Every Love and Blessing,

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