I’d like to set the tone for this and every article.
The topics of religion, politics, sexuality, and gender can be volatile to discuss… and what is read, without the inflection of voice, can be easily misconstrued and taken out of content. The center in which I write and convey any topic of opinion or teaching is LOVE. It is in benevolence, with total acceptance of every human being’s right to their own beliefs. I write in my own voice, for my own self expression. No one has to be wrong in my attempts to express my own beliefs, experiences, desires and hopes as a human being.
Lastly, I write with the intent to bridge the gap between opposites in our society. All voices are welcome in this discussion as long as they remain respectful of all involved. Disagreement with love, for the purpose of self-expression, absent of judgment (to the best of our ability), is the accepted model in this container.
Thank you for maintaining a standard of mutual honor and respect.
With Love and Every Blessing,
December 2022 Articles
Mother Mary Speaks.
You’ve NEVER heard the Christmas Story like this before… get to know the Mother Mary we barely know. She’s so much more than what history has shown her to be.
Darkness Reveals the Light.
The paradox of Light is, to find it, we must go through the Dark; for Dark and Light are two individual emanations of the Same Consciousness.
Beyond Religion.
So many Christians are examining their faith in a deeper way. How do we truly know what truth is and who do we put in authority above us in this decision? Dive deeper in what divine feminine wisdom has to say.
Men & The Goddess Divine.
Why would MEN need to work with the divine feminine? SELF KNOWING is the new FLEX. If you’re interested in the highest levels of self mastery, you’ll want to explore how your inner feminine already knows the way.