Darkness Reveals the Light.
There is No Light Without The Dark
by Jen Street

The understanding of Archetypes in the human psyche is revealed in the study of GK 2 (shadow: Dislocation, gift: Orientation, Siddhi: Unity). GK 2 represents the Prime Yin or Feminine Archetype. Archetypes exist within the human subconscious / unconscious, and these are feminine communications to the brain, done in light and frequency, through pictures (among other non-verbal communications). These pictures represent transmissions of experiences from past lives, both individual and collective experiences, that shape our existence; they contain fields of resonance with emotional signatures attached. The study of Archetypes is the journey to understand these non-linear, feminine communications from within our DNA to our conscious minds. Each of us hold our own unique Archetypes and collective ones within our unconscious; and it is the bringing of unconscious material into the conscious that is the true journey of bringing the dark into the light.
The shadow of GK 2 is Dislocation, which is the inner feeling that gives way to the belief that we have gone astray; that we are separate from life, from God, from love. Our human ego, expressed by the shadow of GK 12 – Vanity – is simply our vehicle for individuation. Individuation describes the journey of divine consciousness giving Itself a unique expression for It to explore Itself (us) within the worlds of form as “separate”, which is our human experience. Our Souls, birthed from God, as separate emanations of God… “made in the image and likeness of God”… are both eternally part of God and also created each to explore Its own nature, which is a paradox beyond logic and the mind that simply can only be embraced as mystery.
We are entering a new era of human awareness where we are awakening to a deeper truth about our nature and connection to God. Collectively, we’ve exhausted our own journey through the perception of separation; represented in the story of Christ… and this evolutionary change – designed by God, triggered by the movement of the cosmos and our connection to the heavens (planets, solar system) – is leading us to confront all of our inner Archetypes that are controlling us through fear, keeping us from the awareness and experience of our Unity with all of Life.
The world’s great religions have carried us through this evolutionary arc of human suffering through separation consciousness, promising to deliver salvation – which is really just the experience of Heaven within; Oneness with God / Love / Life – through an external deliverer. But its promises have fallen flat as millions in disillusion today are questioning the foundation of religious theologies. It is a mistake to think this too is not by design. What is obscured to many within those systems, is the very tenants of their faith perpetuate an unconscious belief that those meant to save us have failed (represented as our experiences in direct conflict with our doctrines)… giving rise to the axiom “Divinity is fundamentally flawed”. The real culprit lies not in the failure of Jesus or Buddha to “save” humanity from its own dark nature and to reconcile them with God, but rather lies in the deep misunderstanding and misinterpretation of their lives – and the lives and messages of all those throughout history who have achieved divine states of being that some would call enlightenment.
At the dawn of this new era emerges an awakening of consciousness within certain individuals who are starting to remember what most have forgotten – that the polarities (separateness) of light and dark, good and evil, male and female is an illusion; one that can be understood deeper by reversing the collective repression of our own inner feminine Archetypes… which knows itself as One with All of Life. Indigenous cultures inherently know these deeper feminine truths because they are more connected to Mother Earth, who is herself, an Archetype of Divine Mother. For all those who are spiritual seekers, lovers of God, those seeking the Light… to spiritually evolve from the consciousness of codependency to that of sovereignty requires a fundamental shift in understanding our role as co-creators with God, and a cultivation of our inner feminine knowing.
Theology which supports the belief that we are victims of life, with divinity controlling our experience of life based on our agreement and performance of a moral code reinforces our experiences of disempowerment and actually keeps us from achieving our life purpose. An alternative view is that God within us is always guiding and empowering our individual awareness to paradoxically surrender in trust to all of what life is bringing us – AND – follow the voice of our inner knowing (Holy Spirit within) to create more life. It’s seeking that internal direction from Spirit which empowers us with divine knowing and ability to create – and – to then take responsibility for the quality of our lives through this co-creation mechanism of outer masculine action fueled by inner feminine wisdom. We are invited to go within and remove our own obscurities to the life we desire – by looking our own internal fear in the eyes, unmasking the devil as simply an Archetypal expression of our fear. This shifts our awareness and our chemistry, which empowers us to create new neurological pathways of thought and belief in the brain that bring new experiences.
Our biggest mistake is giving away our own internal authority to ideologies, theologies and cosmologies, thinking that through conformity we find salvation; when it is only our own individual connection to Holy Spirit from within us that should be our guide in this world, in every present moment. But we are conditioned to fear our own internal knowing, homogenized in school systems that train the genius and our true intelligence out of us. We must trust our own consciousness to lead us, even when it appears to be going in the opposite direction of what we call right and wrong – this is the essence of faith… because no preacher or guru can know what’s right for your path. What some are calling a shift to humanism isn’t; it’s self-empowerment from God, which enables us to operate in our own given creative power that we most long for, because that’s our design.
It’s a deep distrust of the goodness and divinity of our own nature that creates our suffering – a Divided Self, that we then project back onto God and humanity in our lack of understanding. It makes logical sense to us that we must modify our behavior and pursue the Light externally in order to repair our internal experience of separation from God and Love… yet, paradoxically, it is only outside of the realm of logic where we can truly discover this experience of Unity. We’re indoctrinated to believe this experience awaits us once we die, or once Jesus returns in the flesh… but this belief actually locks us in a patterned loop of codependency where we blame others we perceive are not following the “rules” as the source of our Dislocation and Obscurity, rather than taking responsibility for our own state of being through divine empowerment.
Our modern religions were forged in the cauldron of the human mind, which has been overly masculine (logic based) with a repressed feminine (intuitive knowing). It’s only when we bring ourselves back to balance of these two systems of knowing that we are back in sync with our own design as human beings who are discovering our own divine nature and permission to create heaven on earth realities in the world of form. It’s only when we exhaust this external search for God / Love / Belonging and go within that we being to unravel the many matrices of mental belief systems that reinforce our very limited view and experience of reality.
God / Source is above all opposites – uniting and holding everything within Herself / Himself / Themselves; as the Great Mother holds The Light of All Creation within her Dark Womb. It’s only through unmasking all our internal Archetypes of evil, the devil, temptation and the boogeyman where we find absolute freedom from our own addiction to fear and the hellish realities they create. Here we are truly reunited with the Light of All Creation, which already exists within us, beyond measure and understanding.
The reason for the present day emergence of the Empowered Feminine Archetype is because humanity is collectively coming to terms with our own repression and demonization of the feminine, within and without. That aspect of us that is emotion, chaos, expansive, complex, vast and deep as the ocean, dark as the empty womb of Creation, and the source of our creative power through sexual energy. We all have feminine and masculine energies within us, regardless of gender identifications – and our feminine has been vilified, demonized, repressed, denied, tortured, murdered, burned at the stake for centuries – to us and by us. Freedom lies in understanding that life is designed and created for our highest good both by God / Source / Creator – and by us, humans – we who have been given the divine spark of spiritual awareness. This awakening of the feminine Archetype is the key for unlocking all the doors of awareness within. This isn’t men not being masculine; we need strong masculine, but healthy masculine in balance with its own feminine nature. That means emotional intelligence, intuition, self-knowing, honoring and protecting the feminine, being connected to your own body and sexuality in a healthy and vibrant way, honoring the balance of nature and life, etc.
Jesus himself never desired to be perceived as being personally responsible for every human’s quality of life and connection to Source – but rather to be an example of what it looks like when a human being is transformed from the inside out to fully embody their own divinity. In every spiritual path, there’s a false dichotomy that suggests that pursuing and obtaining the Light happens through denying and judging the dark (which is our humanity, Archetypically) – yet it’s only by moving into the darkness, our humanity fully – and completely embracing it with unconditional love and compassion – do we move through our darkness into the light – and discover our divine nature.
This is where the religious mind gets stuck… what do you mean embrace the dark??? That is often interpreted as a blank check to murder, rape, torture, steal, etc., etc… It’s not. It’s an internal clarion call to see how these external oppressions exist within us – exposing the inner dictator Archetype that is bossing you around from your unconscious… exposing the inner sexual deviant plaguing your fantasies, coming out sideways in your life because you’ve so completely repressed your own sexual nature, and called it evil – which ironically is the fuel for the engine of your creativity and ability to manifest your desires into form. It’s not the elimination of our desire nature but the refinement of it that brings our greatest fulfillment in this life, because it gives us a taste of our true potential and purpose – to explore our divine nature and unlimited potential to create as God does.
Only when we stop the external game of judgment and blame and turn within to see where these accusations are coming from will we be free of them. This is the true meaning of the words of Jesus to take care of the plank within our own eye first. We cannot see clearly when we ourselves are obscured. The only way to truly overcome evil is with good; but what does that actually mean? Well judgment creates punishment and separation, which does not help the one perpetuating evil to return to a remembrance of their nature as good. We must all return to our own divine innocence, which is the source of our knowing and our creative power. This is what becoming childlike means; this is the meaning of the axiom that our greatest fear is not that we are inadequate, but that we are powerful beyond our understanding. This unconscious fear of our own power is what has led humanity to repress its own feminine side, which is where our connection to our own divinity is established.
We fear the power within ourselves because within our very DNA resides the remembrance throughout human history where power has been used to control, corrupt, enslave, rape, torture and murder whole segments of the population. And here the paradox lies: the internal state of the punisher and victim is the same – pure suffering, all created by the mind. The actions of such suffering can only be understood as the utter madness of a consciousness so divined against itself and the whole. And while we must have boundaries and structures in place, individually and collectively, to protect and safeguard innocence… our reactions to what we call evil behaviors can only change that evil through love, compassion, and connection – not through judgment, punishment and separation.
This is the consciousness of God – to embrace ALL of creation as perfect, and every human expression as sons and daughters of the Most High, playing the game of life, working out their own salvation – which is really walking the long way home back to Love and the experience of Unity once again. To put on the Mind of Christ is to reconcile all opposites within yourself to become Whole and Undivided; pure love walking around in human skin, owning the full power and great responsibility of being like God, with all of your human feelings about it… living the juicy paradox of being divinity in flesh. Whether you agree that humanity is divine or not, the fact remains, if your goal is to be AS GOD on this Earth, I’m not sure how effective you’ll be if considering yourself as that is a sin. Because behavior comes from belief. To believe you are not empowered with divine nature while desiring to be the hand of God in this world is the epitome of a divided self.
With Every Love and Blessing,