Beyond Religion.
Why Work with the Divine Feminine
by Jen Street

During this time, I used the full extent of my intellect, heart and my imagination to study, internalize and embody the Christian scriptures. But my experience over and over again, was a DISCONNECT from the love of God. I was desperate to know this love. I had experienced tastes… I had felt the power of Holy Spirit moving through me and in me… but I was still so filled with trauma, self-sabotage, self-hatred and self-punishment. I renewed my mind with scripture; for years and years and years… and I still was not free. I never doubted God, I never doubted the promises of the Bible… but I began to question everything. The more I learned about the human condition, about our minds, our consciousness… the more I understood that I still had belief systems within me that were keeping me in deep suffering.
So I set out on a journey to examine my own consciousness, on every level, to understand myself, my trauma, and what I needed to heal and release the suffering within me that I couldn’t escape from. I began to QUESTION aspects of my faith, my beliefs… not questioning the love, power and goodness of God… but questioning the doctrines of man. What aspects of my theology are love, and what are not.
I was searching for the truth of myself, a truth I could feel in my body as real. Jesus led me to join a Women’s group online in 2019. This group was led by a Christian woman who was also examining her beliefs, seeking peace within and to “Know Thyself”. She began to talk about the feminine divine, the Mother aspect of God that is never talked about in church. We explored the aspect of the human feminine that’s connected deeply to the cycles of the sun and moon, the earth and her seasons. This intelligence within us that is connected in a dance with all life. And this concept felt like truth to my heart.
I began to be drawn to goddess iconography. Initially I was worried; my consciousness was divided on this issue. Christianity had taught me this was heresy; that God was a man, that He was outside of me, and that I needed to be saved from myself by another man. But even though the Bible says that God is male and female, and beyond gender… it is almost never taught that way, and certainly you’ll never hear God referred to as SHE in church. We’ve been indoctrinated with a patriarchal, masculine God that is the only expression we’re allowed to relate to.
My journey led me to the gnostic gospels, created by Apostles, those who were accepted and who served with Jesus in his ministry; Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene, Thomas, Phillip… the stories of Paul and Thecla. These writings were accepted and circulated alongside of all the other gospels in the early centuries after Jesus’ death, yet they were eventually excluded from the canonization process (note: the actual canonization period and process is under wide debate with many theories). We (in Christianity) are taught and blindly accept the scholarly opinion about these writings. I never once questioned those who were in spiritual authority above me: teachers, preachers, theologians. Until I began to see and hear of others who deeply loved and followed Jesus who were asking questions of their own.
Whatever the process of canonization; one aspect is true regardless: all of scripture is written through MEN and men alone. Women’s voices were not included, their opinions and experiences brushed aside. Women who were highly educated, with mystery school training, who led with Jesus were labeled whores and/or diminished in their true roles, their history re-written according to social hierarchies of the day. How many centuries have women’s capacity for spiritual literacy been questioned and controlled by men? It’s not just Christianity… it shows up all over the place. It is right for us to now to question how and why the writings of women apostles and leaders were excluded and labeled heresy… it is right to question our understanding of who Jesus trusted the most, who he confided in the most… it is right to question the legitimacy of ALL spiritual leadership decisions from a society where half the population were the property of MEN. Women were not legitimized as leaders, teachers and healers despite Jesus himself empowering them. If we would question the authenticity of such a scenario today… then it applies to then. Proper exegesis demands it.
I never was taught, in all my years and deliberate study of the Bible, no one ever said to me… the women who served with Jesus, empowered in his ministry, they wrote their own gospels and those were not included in the canonization. In fact, there were deliberate campaigns to destroy Mary Magdalene’s gospel. No one that calls themselves a teacher of the Bible EVER said it to me. I didn’t even know these gospels existed. Most do not know they exist. And when I first read in The Pistis Sophia, God speaking from a feminine voice, I broke down crying, my entire body shaking. I somatically knew the truth that had been hidden from me… that there’s a feminine aspect of God that’s been repressed and excluded from our Christian understanding. And this was the aspect of God that was calling me. And Jesus held my hand every step of the way.
It is right to question our own knowledge of God, as we each know it to be… after all, to use Christian vernacular, it is our responsibility to “work out our own salvation”. It is right to seek God, Love and Truth with your whole heart, through ANY and every spiritual path that calls to you. It is the wounding of man that creates separation. A faith that cannot be questioned is not true faith. Humanity seeks to know God and to know itself. It is an earnest quest. Historically we (Christians, patriarchy, white, western society) have not honored the spirituality of indigenous peoples. We have judged their customs, their ways of working out their own salvation… without seeking to understand; creating separation instead of unity. Any faith built on control and punishment absolutely warrants examination… because that’s FEAR. And we all know there’s no fear in perfect LOVE. They cannot exist in the same space.
Control of the feminine – whether conscious or not – is a tendency seeded deep in the consciousness of men. It is reasonable to assume that men who wrote the gospels were absolutely affected by prejudice against women. We ALL interpret God through our own lens. The argument that they received direct transmission from the Holy Spirit devoid of their own personality doesn’t wash. We read clear personality distinctions between Peter, Paul, John and others. If they received perfect transmissions… then why are the Mary’s gospels not afforded equal elevation? Projecting a level of perfection upon the Apostles (or at least the male ones) is dangerous and disingenuous. No one would ever claim that a prophet speaking today were above flaw or absent of the human conditioning that brings wounding. We are ALL human, and we ALL have the ability to hear from God as an innate birthright.
The gospel of Mary Magdalene itself mentions Peter acknowledging her standing with Jesus, that he favored her and taught her things that weren’t revealed to the others. Peter asks her to disclose what Jesus shared in private; she does and then he lashes out at her, his ego wounded: “He (Jesus) did not speak to a WOMAN without our knowing, and not openly to us, did he? Did he prefer her to us?”. Levi responds to Peter, “Peter, you have always been hot tempered. Now I see that you are arguing against the woman like the adversaries. But if the Saviour made her worthy, who are you then to reject her? Certainly the Saviour knew her very well. That’s why he loved her more than us. Rather let us be ashamed and put on the perfect man and acquire him for ourselves as he commanded us, and let us preach the gospel, not laying down any other rule or other law beyond what the Saviour said.”
What if the entire modern Christian experience has been the result of laying down laws beyond what the Saviour said? What if there’s a mystical experience of our spiritual roots that we haven’t been exposed to?
If you are a truth-seeker, DO NOT let anyone convince you that questioning things is an affront to God. Truth is indefensible… it does not need defending. It will always be and always is. The truth sets you free. If you believe you have truth, but are not completely free, question your truth. I do not regret my journey to question my faith because my heart has always sought ONE thing… to know the Love of God, to serve DIVINE WILL, and to know myself, as Jesus instructed. It may surprise you to hear that there are many “Christian” teachers and leaders who are speaking to this relationship with the divine feminine Christ consciousness, teachers of varying denominations and expressions of this faith. Teachers who are speaking to the Oneness of Life, and the understanding that all spiritual paths lead to the same Creator. Richard Rohr, an American Franciscan priest and writer on spirituality, author of ‘The Universal Christ’, writes contrasting Christianity and Buddhism:
“I am convinced that in many ways Buddhism and Christianity shadow each other. They reveal each other’s blind spots. In general, Western Christians have not done contemplation very well, and Buddhism has not done action very well. There is a reason that art usually shows Jesus with his eyes open and Buddha with his eyes closed. At the risk of overgeneralization: in the West, we have largely been an extroverted religion, with all the superficiality that represents; and the East has largely produced introverted forms of religion, with little social engagement up to now. Buddhism is more a philosophy, a worldview, a set of practices to free us for truth and love than it is a formal belief system in any notion of God. It provides insights and principles that address the how of spiritual practice, with very little concern about what or who is behind it all. That is its strength, and I am not sure why that should threaten any Christian believer.”
Theologian Meggan Watterson, writer of ‘Mary Magdalene Revealed’, explores the theology of Christian mysticism that was birthed from the Essenes, which held Mystery School traditions of spiritual training and development as being central to Jesus, Mother Mary and Mary Magdalene’s ascension studies… which had roots in Egypt, Tibetan Buddhism and others, including cosmologies that related to the divine feminine, trained in immaculate birthing, and resurrection. These were eastern Christian teachings widely practiced by Yogic Masters prior to the split between eastern and western Christianity – teachings around the body’s chakra systems, spiritual light bodies, and the inner journey to enlightenment. These practices all have roots in Christian mysticism despite what is taught as modern Christian theology. Christian Writer Sue Monk Kidd, best-selling author of ‘The Secret Life of Bees’, writes in ‘The Dance of the Dissident Daughter’ about her journey through Christian patriarchy. Christian singer, speaker and podcaster Christa Black Gifford explores her journey with God in the Heart to Heart Podcast with her husband Luke, which talks candidly about sex, death, addiction, relationships, anger, and the goodness of God in the face of evil.
Through my years of study in trauma, human sexuality and the realm of consciousness… becoming a certified coach in the Magnetic Mind Method, I learned that the unconscious mind works in symbols, archetypes, imagery, emotion, sensations… non-verbal, non-linear information. So we (humans) use the stories of heroes and heroins, of gods and goddesses; they all point as types and shadows, throughout history, for our self-understanding… pointing us to our true potential as human beings. The feminine voice of God, the Shekinah of God, began leading me to connect with goddess iconography… not to worship, but as archetypes to understand myself, as a woman… to understand my empowerment, the gift of creation and life that exits within me, my connection to the earth, and the supernatural powers of creation we’ve all been endowed with, regardless of our gender.
My journey with the divine feminine exploded in 2021, when I discovered a codex called The Sophia Code, by Kaia Ra. It is a transmission… a divinely channeled, prophetic writing from Mother God, Sophia God. It is absolutely a modern day sacred text. And in this codex, I was formally introduced to Sophia… not the ‘Sophia Wisdom’ mentioned in the Bible, but she introduces herself as Sophia ‘The One Divine Mother Creatrix of All Life’; She that is every name of God, including She who birthed Father God as a revelation of her own nature. She is Mother and Father God, She is Creator, Creatrix; She is the empty womb, through which all Light is birthed. Through the language, stories and initiations in The Sophia Code, I began to relate to Divine Feminine Ascended Master teachers, which include Mother Mary and Mary Magdalene of the Christian Mystical lineage, as well as Green Tara and Quan Yin from Tibetan Buddhist spiritual lineage… as well as other Masters like White Buffalo Woman of the Cheyenne people of North America, who is a physical manifestation of the Shekinah. They tell their stories of their own Christed / Buddhic embodiment, their own sovereignty, their own path to embodiment of their divinity… and the truth of the divine nature of humanity.
Also revealed in this codex, is that all of humanity has a latent divine genome within their DNA, waiting to be activated through self-initiated consciousness and awareness. It’s our birthright, our ability to embody the divine within our humanity, just as Jesus did. Jesus shows up in this codex as a Divine Masculine counterpart to Mary Magdalene, in full support of her revelation as a key code embodiment of The Sophia Code, as an Ascended Master and Christed Being. And this is when I began to work with Jesus in a different way. Jesus approached me and began speaking to me, letting me know that he didn’t desire my worship; that he was not my savior… that he was the savior of humanity as a demonstration, an example of who we ourselves are meant to become. The more I read, the more initiations I completed, the more I have been able to clear toxic belief systems that were keeping me addicted to my own suffering, and trapped in the loops of my mind, the repeating patterns I had previously been unable to free myself of. Empowered by the Holy Spirit to truly be a chalice, and Ark of the Covenant vehicle to birth my own Heaven on Earth realities. These are the promises of the Bible made manifest. I don’t see any Christians pursuing this level of development in self mastery and prophetic hearing.
Make no mistake… reading this codex, aligning with it is the surrender of our ego and human will to Divine Will… but it is not worshiping anyone; it’s the revelation of Christ within. The revelation of how to actually evolve into a Christed Being to embody the promises of the Bible verses having the right theology and being able to articulate it but remaining disempowered and in self-perpetuated suffering. And this truth that has come to me, it resonates as Truth on all levels of my being. It is a truth beyond words. I don’t need to make anyone wrong in their beliefs for me to stand firmly in mine, and to seek to embody that fully… to shine that out into the world and share it. There is no evangelism needed. Every human being is sovereign, and is creating their own experiences within the word of form.
As souls who are connected to the One Source, our Oversouls choose and plan out our incarnations into form, the journey of our destiny… what we want to work out in this life, what we want to explore. Our Souls choose to explore suffering for the purpose of self-realization, to know itself as unlimited creative potential. This divine codex, as well as many divine feminine wisdoms are arising today on the earth, are here to awaken humanity to the truth of its own divinity, to the truth of its addiction to codependency and self-perpetuated suffering, trying to reconcile opposites within a system of duality. Our experience in form is a projection of our consciousness, of the Holy Spirit descending into form, creating our bodies, for us to have an experience that leads us back to our own sovereignty.
And it is through mentoring with Divine Feminine Christ Ascended Masters, as well as their Divine Masculine counterparts like Jesus and Mahavatar Babji, that I have achieved greater levels of healing, self-awareness, self-love, self-control, self-empowerment, self-realization. It is the journey that has no destination, climbing a spiritual mountain that has no top. I don’t need to convince anyone of anything. I’m here to speak my truth and resonate it out into form to any consciousness ready to receive it. If you feel energized, electrified… if you feel the presence of Holy Spirit in reading these words, I invite you to explore that for yourself. This discovery, this revelation coming to earth right now about the divine feminine, it doesn’t have to make our understanding of the divine masculine wrong… our relationship with Father God, with Jesus… but I invite you to see that the resonance and transmission Jesus brought in his time on Earth; our current understanding of it has been translated, understood and taught throughout thousands of years of patriarchy by MEN. It’s completely devoid of the voices of women. It’s imbalanced.
The goal of the divine feminine is to bring balance to our spiritual understanding. Humanity has been projecting its own wounding onto God, through the over-identification with our collective masculine traits of power, and the repression and demonization of our feminine traits of power. All happening unconsciously. Humanity has been projecting its own suffering and the perception of separation, onto a masculine God, when the truth of God is so simple. God is All-Loving, All-Benevolent, God is free of all egoic judgment; there is no judgment from God in the sense of punishment. Judgment is a human projection, it’s what we’ve created out of our own pain through the perception of separation from God… which is an illusion. God is within each of us. The consciousness of God exists as light within every electron inhabiting ALL form. All form is Holy. All form is good. There is no separation.
But humanity has created a collective field of “sin and separation” consciousness that is so strong, because it’s been so reinforced over thousands and thousands and thousands and thousands of years of humanity choosing to explore its free will outside of the will of God. And when we learn to see our own judgments, to see ALL judgment as self-judgment; all judgment is pointing us back to ourselves to see what aspects of ourselves we’re not accepting. Yes, the world needs healing. There are many choices, acts, happenings on this earth that are not in the highest and best good of all, but the way to change it is not through picking a side in the matrix of duality, through opposing viewpoints. It’s not from looking at an external source of something you don’t like and being against it… it’s seeing what we don’t like, acknowledging it, and then looking within to change the Self. “How is THAT showing up in me, how have I created an aspect of myself that looks like that, that I’m denying.” It’s through the exposing of that and acceptance and compassion of this part of you, bringing it back home to your heart… it creates wholeness within and creates an invincible, resonate field of sovereignty, where you can literally create your own reality. You don’t have to be influenced by that external thing anymore. You can live above it.
And that is the power we are all here to explore in the world of form, our power to create in the image and likeness of God. There’s no separation between the physical and the spiritual. Spirit inhabits matter; every molecule, every electron. This is the wisdom of the divine feminine. Divine feminine Christ consciousness is about surrendering to divine will and embodying your Christed Self. The divine feminine is the open, loving heart of Mother God calling her children home, back to SELF, back to unconditional LOVE. When we still our minds, empty them and connect with our hearts and our inner feminine: our intuition, omniscience, divine knowing, sensing, feeling – which is our “other than conscious knowing”… we can receive the voice of the Holy Spirit coming down in every present moment, guiding us in what aligned action to take, which is the masculine principle within. And it’s the inner balance of our own feminine and masculine that brings Christ embodiment. The masculine serves the feminine. Doing serves Being.
All Divine Masculine Masters embodied this. When you look at Jesus, Ghandi, Buddha, etc., they had a feminine, peaceful nature that they allowed to be predominantly expressed. It did not diminish their masculinity, it empowered it. Whether you are female or male or some other identification, we ALL have both masculine and feminine polarity within us. It is a universal law. Magnetism is the principle of masculine / feminine attraction, repulsion. The feminine is divine knowing and the masculine is divine action. Doesn’t it makes sense to take action from a place of knowing and connection with Spirit? But we treat prophetic insight as an occasional experience and/or one that only happens to prophets. EVERYONE was created to hear the voice of God, from within the heart.
The divine feminine is the empty dark womb, the primordial space of no-thing, it’s the emptiness of God, the space within every electron, from which all light is birthed. God is the empty space and the light, the feminine and the masculine – and we are made in that image and likeness. THIS IS WHY WE WORK WITH THE DIVINE FEMININE… to be fully balanced, healed, whole and empowered to be the chalice of Holy Spirit and Divine Will, to give birth to that which desires to be born out of us, which is our divine purpose… to be immaculate birthers of new paradigms, expressing our Heaven on Earth realities, as an example for others to follow. We are to be as Christ was on this earth. But to get there, we have to let go of the toxic masculine, patriarchal programming that exists within our religious systems, and not just Christianity. All spiritual paths lead to what we call God, Source. And other spiritual lineages have their own imbalances to reckon with.
Without internal balance of both divine masculine and feminine, we are stuck. We must receive divine feminine truths to balance what we already know of the masculine. We have to let go of our judgments… we are being invited to examine them – about God, about hell, about salvation. Because Divine Mother has something else to say. There is a path of salvation, but it happens within us – it’s a revelation of consciousness. Christ was The Way, he was The Truth, he was The Life… he lived it. He intended for that to be our example, not for us to worship him, put him on some pedestal… to get some high off of worship for 20 minutes or an hour, and then go home disempowered, struggling with our egos, vices and traumas. That’s not what he died for, or the example he modeled.
I understand some reading this may have a lot of feelings about what I’m sharing. I love you, I accept you, and I don’t need for you to try to defend yourself and your beliefs to me… nor do I want or desire you to try to correct my theology… in my presence, you have full permission to hold your own beliefs free of my judgment. However, if what I share here is triggering you, it’s about you… not me. It’s about you going within, talking with Spirit, with Jesus, whoever… asking questions that help you to examine your own beliefs and way of being. To discover for yourself what is true for you, what is God saying to you. Love accepts, seeks to understand and reveals all Truth. There is no destination in Truth that we can arrive at, aside from dwelling within the garden of Love within our own hearts. I humbly share my own experience at this moment in time; subject to change!!! I bless you in every way, to be guided by your own Soul, the higher self within you that knows The Way for you.
With Every Love and Blessing,