About me.

Jen Street – Self Mastery Coach  |  Artist  |  Writer  |  Design & Marketing  |  Healer  | Visionary  | Philanthropy

Love is all there is. It’s what I desire… it’s what I’m becoming… and it’s what I hope to give. My passion is healing and my purpose is to serve the spiritual evolution of humanity with my gifts. I want everything that I create to be a catalyst for love, healing and compassion. I’m a f-ing spiritual Jedi! LOL. I have been relentless in my own pursuit of healing, to understand the nature and purpose of my suffering, to understand the human mind and our journey, why we are here, what it’s all about. It’s been a lifelong journey of healing with over a decade of focused discipline and study in theology, philosophy, trauma healing & somatics, sex, love & relationship coach (VITA program), digital marketing, MLMs, financial & entrepreneurial study, filmmaking, nutrition, Tantra, spirituality, family constellations, epigenetics, alchemy, energy healing, meditation, quantum physics, and the multidimential nature of reality and consciousness. That’s not to mention my artistic pursuits. What drove me to study all these disciplines? TRAUMA. A desperation for healing. There was no one thing that was THE answer, despite modern religious and scientific propaganda. But when I met the Divine Feminine, everything shifted for me. All the barriers I kept hitting, all the failure, all the effort and toil to get the results I wanted… in the end it was Grace. It was the feminine revelation of the Grace of God that flattened all my effort and awoken the somatic truth within me of what’s always been there… my connection to the divine and the experience of the Love of All That Is within me. And it is my deep privilege to serve others on their path of awakening… as a guide and a mirror to reflect back to you what is already there.


As an extraordinarily creative being, beauty has been a core driver for me in everything I do.

Feeling loved to give love.

Our greatest wounds become our most potent medicine. Being fully ourselves IS sovereignty. 

Rejection, codependency and self hatred have been my strongest life themes. We hear it said that the areas of struggle that we overcome is our greatest empowerment… but it wasn’t enough for me to acknowledge that mentally… it had to become a reality for me. And it has. Overcoming childhood abandonment, abuse, neglect and fear of punishment has been a lifelong journey. I honor my journey and religious study of the Christian faith. My self discovery through this lens has been a foundation that I have built upon; yet opening myself to other spiritual lineages and systems of wisdom have truly empowered me in self understanding and freed me from my addition to suffering and self destruction. As a very intellectual and curious child, I grew up learning to rely on my mind too heavily as the source of my knowing, and seeking to understand and articulate the tenants of my faith was the pinnacle that I believed would bring freedom from my suffering. It did not. Although I was very emotionally and psychically sensitive to my environment, I believed the patriarchal programming that minimized emotions as weakness and dismissed feminine intuitive knowing; as such I rejected my gifts of sensitivity. A “house divide falls” means that when we are repressing or disconnected from parts of ourselves, our inner being is in a war with itself, preventing us from experiencing our original internal state of unity with ALL of life. Through training and divine support, I have brought together seemingly opposite beliefs and agendas, to come to a place of unity within myself that now overflows and touches every area of my life. It is my greatest pleasure to share that wisdom with you.